Okay cheesy I know but I did do it again. I took entirely WAY too long to update! :( Shame on me! So much has been going on since my last update...so much that I will just have to make a long store short and try to update you on as much as I can! Here goes:
Grant has had 2 trips to St. Louis for ABM. His November lessons were the first back since the end of August. I was a little nervous about how he would do since it had been so long. The first and second session went amazing! It was like he hadn't missed a beat. When we went back for sessions 3 and 4 the next day it was like a light bulb went off for Grant and he realized "Wait a second while I am in here doing all the work Matthew and Dad are out there having fun." He started getting extremely fussy so I suggested bringing Matthew in the room. Him and dad came in and Grant was all smiles! I guess he figured if he can't go have fun then we all have to stay in the room :) We left STL very happy with how it had gone!
Beginning of December we got Grant's new handsplints! His "Joe Cool's"! He loves them. They are so much easier for him to play with toys and they help tremendously. His hand is wide open when he's wearing them!
The middle of December we got Grant fitted for leg braces! I was leary about how this would go too but I was somewhat pleasantly surprised. If this had been a couple months ago Grant would've cried as soon as the guy who fitted him looked Grant's way. But he didn't! He smiled?! Yes that's right...he SMILED!! He was perfectly fine until the guy started touching him then he was all screams until the second the guy stopped then he was all smiles again! We should get the leg braces in 3-4 weeks so we are anxious and excited to see how they will turn out!
Middle of December Grant Man also had another trip to STL! This trip went just as good if not better than in November! Chad said both times were his best ones yet! Grant worked on sitting, going from sitting to laying, rolling over, and crawling!
Christmas was great!! Couldn't have asked for a better Christmas!!! Spent it with family and the boys got so much but not too much. Grant was in heaven and was ready to rip open every gift :)
As far as what Grant has been doing...the question is what hasn't he been doing? He has been sitting for anywhere from 1-3 minutes on his own. He does amazing at scooting (but he has to be naked). He can drink from a straw!!! He rolled from back to tummy (just once but he has been trying so hard to do it again). He has been talking and babbling up a storm! He says so many words!! I think that almost gets us up to date!! :)
I pledge that with the new year will bring new updates at least once a week if not more!! No more going 1-2 months without hearing anything about my amazing Grant Man!